There is an adult male drill in camp. He's stealing things, chasing the kitchen girls, and generally being a highly
evolved pain in our butts. As if that
weren’t enough, this fanged 25-kilo monkey is a nasty biosecurity risk for
reasons I won’t go into.
So I have a veterinary mission. Dart the drill. Problem is, he’s been at this for some time,
knows what the dart gun and blowpipe look like, and is all sorts of savvy. Eugh.
His name is Aningeje, but the
pronounciation sounds like Negligé, so that’s how
I’ve come to think of him. Old wily Negligé, I will bag you if it’s the last thing I do.
First thing I discover is that the dart gun
won’t hold air pressure. I scour the
office, find the manual, RTFM (read the effing manual), start to take the gun
apart, get scared of all the pieces and put it back together again, check all
the O-rings, and fail to fix the problem.
The blowpipe is cool, but you have to be
pretty close to your target.
I nonchalantly follow my target around all
morning, waiting for him to get distracted for just a moment so I can snipe
him. Not a chance. Negligé calmly goes through all his regular morning rituals without giving
me one millisecond of a shot.
He knows I won’t dart him out of a tree, as
I am not keen on running around underneath him, arms outstretched to cushion
his fall as he loses consciousness and 25 kilos of dead-weight monkey hurtle towards
the forest floor and a broken clavicle.
For most of the morning, Negligé sits 3 meters
up a tree, eating mangos and flashing ugly toothed smiles as he masturbates at
Infuriating. I will outsmart this monkey.
Eventually I get a shot and miss.
I figure out there is a pistol-type dart
gun I can use and switch to that. I
continue my pursuit of Negligé, and he
continues to nonchalantly never gives me a clear shot, with the exception of
when he catches me walking around without the gun, in which case he chases me.
As the days go by, I begin to notice what
an unattractive drill Negligé is. Those beady close-set eyes and unimpressive
colouring . Ugly. Mean. A
menace to society. I stop feeling the
least bit sorry about my numerous attempts to shoot him in the back.
I try to roofie him with valium to slow him down. He tastes the food, spits it out,
picks it apart, and leaves it on the forest floor.
Eventually two Nigerian staff lure
him with bananas into one of the forested enclosures while I am sick with